Planning Commission

The Planning Commission assists the City Council and staff in land use decisions and recommendations regarding Keizer's future growth and development. The Commission consists of seven members and meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Members of the Commission serve three-year terms.  

For Upcoming Meeting Agendas, click here for the Meeting Materials

  1   Matt Lawyer  12/17 - 09/25
  2   Sara Hutches 09/21 - 09/25
  3   Jeremy Grenz 10/19 - 09/25
  4   Fernando Lopez 10/23 - 09/26
  5   Robb Witters 10/23 - 09/26
  6   Mo Avishan 09/21 - 09/24
  7   Ron Bersin 09/21 - 09/24
Angelica Sarmiento Avendano, Youth Liaison (non-voting) 09/23 - 06/24
Shane Witham, Staff Liaison  
 Kyle Juran, Council Liaison  

Ordinance 2020-824 for this Commission 

Ordinance Amendment 2023-867 for this Commission


ORDINANCE NO. 2020-824



The City of Keizer ordains as follows:


A.        The Keizer Planning Commission (“Commission”) is hereby created.  The Commission will have the powers and duties hereinafter set forth and such additional powers and duties as may be conferred on such Commission by the constitution and laws of the State of Oregon, by the Charter of the City of Keizer, or by Ordinances, Resolutions, or Orders of the City Council.

B.        The Commission will consist of seven (7) voting members to be appointed as outlined by the City Council Rules of Procedure.  No more than two voting members shall be engaged principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit as individuals, or be members of any partnership, or officers or employees of any corporation, that engages principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit.  No more than one voting member shall be engaged in the same kind of occupation, business, trade, or profession.  No more than one member shall be a non-resident of the City of Keizer.  The Mayor will appoint a non-voting Council liaison to the Commission and shall make such announcement at a regularly scheduled Council meeting.  The Council may appoint a non-voting Youth liaison to the Commission pursuant to the City Council Rules of Procedure.  The Commission will be staffed by a non-voting staff liaison to be appointed by the City Manager.

C.        The term of office of the appointed members shall be three years, or until their successors are appointed and qualified.  The terms of office for appointed members shall be staggered so that the term of office of not more than three will expire in the same year.  No appointive member shall serve more than two consecutive terms.  Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Section, the term for Commission members appointed previously under Ordinance 83-006 shall continue in order to achieve the proper staggering of terms.

D.        The City Council shall fill any vacancy in the Commission by appointment for the unexpired term of the predecessor in office.  Such appointment shall not be included for calculation of term limits referenced in Section 1(C).

E.         Prospective members of the Commission may be required to qualify by submitting a written application and/or appearing before the City Council or Volunteer Coordinating Committee for a personal interview.  Before entering upon the duties of a Planning Commissioner, each Commission shall take an oath or shall affirm support for the constitution and the laws of the United States and of the State of Oregon and that each Commissioner will faithfully and impartially perform duties of that office.

F.         The members of the Commission shall receive no compensation, but shall be reimbursed for duly authorized expenses.

G.        A member of the Commission may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the City Council after hearing, for misconduct or nonperformance of duty.

Section 2.       ORGANIZATION.

A.        The Commission shall elect a chairman and vice chairman, who shall be members appointed by the City Council and who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Commission.

B.        Four members appointed by the City Council shall at all times constitute a quorum.

C.        The Commission shall meet at least once each month and the regular meeting place of the Commission shall be the City Hall.  Upon a majority vote of the members of the Commission present, a meeting may be canceled when deemed appropriate.  Notice of cancellation shall be posted at City Hall, on the City’s web site and social media sites, distributed to members of the media, and to citizens requesting notice.

D.        The Commission may make, establish and alter rules and regulations for its government and procedures consistent with the laws of the State of Oregon and with the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Keizer.  Before any rules, amendments or deletions become effective, the Commission must submit them to the City Council for approval.

Section 3.       MONTHLY REPORT TO COUNCIL.  At the regular meeting in October each year, the Commission shall make a rotation schedule of members to appear before the City Council each month.  The Commission representative will appear at a City Council meeting during the appointed month to give a verbal report on the transactions of the Commission for the preceding month.

Section 4.       POWERS AND DUTIES.  Except as otherwise provided by the City Council, the Planning Commission may:

A.        Recommend and make suggestions to the Council and to other public authorities concerning:

            a.         The laying out, widening, extending and locating of public thoroughfares, parking of vehicles, relief of traffic congestion;

            b.         Betterment of housing and sanitation conditions;

            c.         Establishment of districts for limited the use, height, area, bulk and other characteristics of buildings and structures related to land development;

            d.         Protection and assurance of access to incident solar radiation; and

            e.         Protection and assurance of access to wind for potential future electrical generation or mechanical application.

B.        Recommend to the Council and other public authorities plans for regulating the future growth, development and beautification of the City in respect to its public and private buildings and works, streets, parks, grounds and vacant lots, and plans consistent with future growth and development of the City in order to secure to the City and its inhabitants sanitation, proper service of public utilities and telecommunications utilities, including appropriate public incentives for overall energy conservation and harbor, shipping and transportation facilities.

            C.        Recommend to the Council and other public authorities plans for promotion, development and regulation of industrial and economic needs of the community in respect to industrial pursuits.

D.        Advertise the industrial advantages and opportunities of the City and availability of real estate within the City for industrial settlement.

E.         Encourage industrial settlement within the City.

F.         Make economic surveys of present and potential industrial needs of the City.

G.        Study needs of local industries with a view to strengthening and developing them and stabilizing employment conditions.

H.        Do and perform all other acts and things necessary or proper to carry out the provisions of ORS 227.010 to 227.170, 227.175 and 227.180.

I.          Study and propose such measures as are advisable for motion of the public interest, health, morals, safety, comfort, convenience and welfare of the City and of the area within six miles thereof.

J.         For the purposes of this Section:

            a.         “Incident solar radiation” means solar energy falling upon a given surface area.

            b.         “Wind” means the natural movement of air at an annual average speed measured at a height of 10 meters of at least eight miles per hour.

Section 5.       REPEAL OF ORDINANCES NO. 83-006, 2013-674, AND 2017-783.  Ordinance No. 83-006 (Ordinance Creating a Planning Commission; Providing for its Composition and Organization; Proving its Powers and Duties), Ordinance No. 2013-674 (Amending the Ordinance Creating a Planning Commission), and Ordinance No. 2017-783 (Amending the Ordinance Creating a Planning Commission) are hereby repealed in their entireties upon the effective date of this Ordinance.

            Section 6.  EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its passage.

ORDINANCE NO. 2023-867



The City of Keizer ordains as follows:

Section 1.  AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 2020-824.  Ordinance No. 2020-824 (An Ordinance Creating a Planning Commission; Providing for its Composition and Organization; Providing its Power and Duties) is hereby amended at Section 1(B) as follows:

            B.        The commission will consist of seven (7) voting members to be appointed as outlined by the City Council Rules of Procedure. No more than two voting members shall be engaged principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit as individuals, or be members of any partnership, or officers or employees of any corporation, that engages principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit.  No more than one voting member shall be engaged in the same kind of occupation, business, trade, or profession.  No more than one member shall be a non-resident of the City of Keizer.  No member may serve as a member of the Keizer Budget Committee at the same time.  The Mayor will appoint a non-voting Council liaison to the Commission and make such announcement at a regularly scheduled Council meeting.  The Council may appoint a non-voting Youth liaison to the Commission pursuant to the City Council Rules of Procedure.  The Commission will be staffed by a non-voting staff liaison to be appointed by the City Manager.

            Section 2.       TERMS.  The terms of the current Planning Commission members shall continue without change.

            Section 3.       EFFECTIVE DATE.  This Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare, an emergency is declared to exist and this Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage.