Our River

"our river" text with a view of the willamette river

The Mission of Our River: To increase connections between people in the Mid-Willamette Valley to Our River, the Willamette, through programming that invokes behavior change, resulting in healthy waterways and communities.

Our River activities will focus on actively connecting residents to the Willamette River through low/no cost adventures that put people in, on or near Our River.

The Our River program will shine a light on the interconnectivity of our water resources and personal quality of life. Stewardship of Our River (clean-ups in or along the Willamette) will be a regular part our programming.

Here is what you can expect:

  • Learn fishing skills, where you can fish on Our River, and how to participate in free fishing day activities
  • Learn how to safely kayak on Our River, by learning about the basic equipment and skills 
  • Be a river steward and join us and our partners, the Willamette Riverkeepers, during litter cleanup efforts on Our River
  • Connect with resources that support our native Pacific Northwest salmon populations through the Community Salmon Watch event.

Several community partners have excitedly joined in this effort to connect people to Our River: City of Keizer, City of Salem, Willamette Riverkeepers, Salem Kayak Rentals, ODFW, Oregon State Marine Board and Oregon State Parks.

Find out how to participate here!