Budget Committee

The Budget Committee is comprised of seven citizen members and the seven members of the City Council. The committee is responsible for reviewing and analyzing the proposed budgets for the City. The committee meets during budget season (April and May) when there may be up to two meetings per week. Members of this committee serve three-year terms.  

For Upcoming Meeting Agendas, click here for the Meeting Materials


The City of Keizer Budget Committee shall be the fiscal planning committee for the City of Keizer.  The Committee will review and may revise a proposed budget according to Oregon Local Budget Law.  The City of Keizer Budget Committee will encourage citizen involvement and provide public exposure to the budget to allow the taxpayers to have a better understanding of how their tax dollars are spent.


The Committee shall consist of fourteen (14) voting members; seven (7) members comprised of the City Council and seven (7) citizen electors of the municipal corporation.  The citizen electors shall be recommended as outlined by the City Council Rules of Procedure and shall be appointed by the Council.  A member may not serve as a member of the Keizer Planning Commission at the same time.  The Council may appoint a non-voting Youth liaison to the Committee pursuant to the Council Rules of Procedure.  The Committee will be staffed by a non-voting staff liaison to be appointed by the City Manager.

Term of Office:

The appointed members of the City of Keizer Budget Committee will serve a three-year term.   The terms for the appointed members shall be staggered so that not more than one-third of the appointed members will expire in the same year.  The governing body members will serve throughout the period of their elected term.

Chair and Vice-Chair:

The Committee will elect a Chair and Vice-Chair at the first meeting of each calendar year.  The Chair shall alternate between a member of the Council and an appointed member each year with the Vice-Chair being the complementary designation.


Members of the Committee shall establish a regular meeting date and shall meet as deemed necessary by the Chair.  All meetings of the Committee shall follow Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised and the Oregon Public Meeting Laws.


It is the duty of each member to attend at least 75% of the meetings each calendar year.  When a member is unable to attend a meeting, the member shall notify the Chair.  Members of the Committee may be removed by a two-thirds majority vote of the City Council. 

Resolution 2023-3419 for this Committee


  Position #     Name     Original Appointment Date     Term Expires  
  1   MATTHEW STALHEIM   11-06-2023   08-31-25
  2   MELISSA MARTIN 2020   08-31-25
  3   ELAINE WILSON  10-2-2023   08-31-26
  4   JANE HERB 10-2-2023   08-31-26
  5   LORE CHRISTOPHER   10-2-2023     08-31-26
  6   SUSAN LONDON   2021   08-31-27
  7   JONATHAN THOMPSON     2015     08-31-27
  8  OPEN Position - Youth Liaison (non-voting) TBD    05-31-25

 City Council Members   

  Mayor Cathy Clark
  Councilor Kyle Juran
  Councilor Shaney Starr
  Councilor Laura Reid
  Councilor Soraida Cross
  Councilor Dan Kohler