Public Works News


Ziply Fiber is a brand new franchise utility being installed throughout the City of Keizer by private contractors. This work is in no way affiliated with or financed by the City or its citizens. During the installation process, the contractors are placing a box at every residence to use for future connections. If you choose to pursue connection to Ziply Fiber's internet service you will need to contact Ziply Fiber directly to make arrangements. 

For questions or concerns about the project, please contact:



Our new pickleball courts at Keizer Rapids Park are open. First come, first served!


Keizer Community Fields Are Open for Reservation

For use of the new Turf Fields, Contact the Keizer Community Field Association here:



Click here to see the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the newly completed Artificial Turf Fields!


Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine in Effect in Marion County

The US Department of Agriculture confirmed detection of the Emerald ash borer in Marion, Yamhill and Clackamas Counties on August 28, 2024. Marion County and the others have been placed in a permanent quarantine status

Emerald Ash Borers in the Willamette Valley

The Oregon Department of Forestry warns that the establishment of Emerald Ash Borers are expected to devastate ash woodlands and riparian zones where native Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia) is a dominant species. These trees provide important shade, food and habitat resources in riparian areas where soils can drain poorly and where seasonally high-water tables can exclude other tree species. 

The loss of ash trees caused by Emerald Ash Borer infestations could lead to a reduction in urban tree canopy, an increase in invasive plants filling in Ash Tree niches, potential streambank soil loss, and loss of shade and habitat along streams.

The quarantine does not allow the movement of tree materials from ash, olive, and white-fringe tree outside of the county unless it meets certain conditions. 


For more information, visit 

or Click here:

For questions, please email or call 503-986-4636.


Click here to see a comprehensive list of the Resolutions passed at the August 5th Council Meeting for the Public Works Department.

Air in Water:
The City has installed a new filter plant at the Meadows pump station (located in the Northern end of City) to remove iron, manganese and any hydrogen sulfur smell or taste. The removal of these minerals and odor is then backwashed out of the filters. The media in the filters uses injected air to re-charge. At this time City Staff are learning and adjusting to this new complex system to dial in the right amount of air to the water flow and backwash rates. When it is done the water produced from the Meadows Well will be of improved quality.
We are asking that you please be patient with us at this time of adjustment. Air in water appears to be milky white. If you draw a glass of water and you see this, setting the glass down for a minute or so will allow you to see the entrapped air dissipate from the glass. Although this is a nuisance to see it is not harmful to drink.
Thank you for your patience while we make these adjustments.

Verda Lane Reconstruction:
We’re working with the City of Keizer to improve Verda Lane. With an elementary and middle school nearby, our goal is to create a safer route for pedestrians and bicycles.
The project will look at:
· Adding sidewalks and bike lanes.
· Upgrading or adding drainage features to improve water flow in the area.
· Better defining driveway accesses by adding curb and gutter.
You might see us in the area over the next several weeks as we look at how some of the planned improvements will impact existing properties, driveways, trees and mailboxes.
This fall we’re planning to have a community in-person open house at the City of Keizer Civic Center, located at 930 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer.  
You can visit the project webpage to sign up for email updates.
Use your smartphone camera to scan the QR code above and learn more about our project! Or visit:
Kumar Rethnasamy
ODOT Project Manager