Keizer Rapids Park
1900 Chemawa Rd N
Keizer, OR 97303

Like the City of Keizer, the Keizer Rapids (also called historically “Keizur’s Rapids”) derives its name from the Keizur family that homesteaded the adjacent area. The name Keizer Rapids preceded the City of Keizer by over a century and is a longstanding recognized feature on many maps. Keizer Rapids Park is Keizer’s newest and largest park and consists of 148 acres; 84 Acres of state-owned property formerly referred to as Beardsley Bar, with the remaining acreage originally owned by Ella Buchholz, Stephen and Rhonda Buchanan, and Winifred Charge. In 2003 the RIVERR (Regional Intergovernmental Visions Enhancing River Resources) Task Force was formed to facilitate the creation of the park. Marion County, City of Salem, Oregon State Park & Recreation Department, National Park Service, Marine Board and the Trust for Public Land all participated in the property acquisition and development of park. Donations from area businesses, non-profit organizations and caring individuals were instrumental in bringing about the amenities including the dog park, amphitheater and the Big Toy.