Zone Change

Zone Change
Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment/Zone Change/Partition 2023-16
1141 Chemawa Rd N
View Location
The applicant is requesting to divide an existing parcel of 4.38 acres into two parcels comprised of approximately 1-acre (Parcel 1) and approximately 3.38 acres (Parcel 2). The proposal also includes rezoning Parcel 1 from Commercial General (CG) to Medium Density Residential (RM) and changing the Comprehensive Plan designation from Commercial (C) to Medium-High Density Residential (MHDR). The property is located at 1141 Chemawa Road N and has frontage on both Chemawa Rd N and Willow Lake Rd N. Parcel 1 is planned for a 2-building, 20-unit multi-family development. The property is located at 1141 Chemawa (073W03BA02100).